Sleep and the magic of Past Noon

While I've pretty much blasted my carefully laid morning plans, there are plenty of *big yawn* benefits to being awakened by Yan's incessant ringing at 1.45pm, one of which is I won't have to repeat the ancient ritual of bed wetting cos my pee was by then, ready to burst.
Let's face it, Im not a morning person. It doesnt matter if I turn in early or late cos I'd still wake up late. My sis always gripes that Id be this bad-ass grouch in the morning particularly when I refuse to 'answer' her conversations, choosing instead to stare up at the ceiling before getting my towel and slamming the room door behind me. Hey, don't get me wrong, I wasn't pissed at my sis or anything but i think my anger management course tends to go into hyperdrive after 6am and before 1pm.
I'm a flatulence kid- Also, my stomach's tendency to produce an unholy amount of gas and acid makes me grouchy too cos id be feeling as bloated as a walrus and cos ive made plans, ill have to get up and get ready to meet my pals or Yan. Thank god of course, that by the time i meet them, the gas would have subsided but of course the first hand victim would be my sis, much to her annoyance hehe-
[You'd think that my moniker Girlawake just don't cut it but it has a story behind it. Every morning/noon, my nokia would ring and if i choose to answer it, the galfren on the other line would probably go- girl, you awake ah?- And thats just swell, cos im awake hence the ability to answer the call :). So you see Girlawake is an irony onto itself *grin*
Oh oh gona be late again, later peeps

Caught in a movie grip

Finally I can call myself a movie junkie. Every week catching a flick with Yan is a ritual that we both cant do without. It works that both of us love horror flicks, have an eagerness to sample even the weirdest of indiependent films, even if it is a horror flick from the UK.
You see, we have this notion that any british horror would be a horrendous experience cos they border most of the times, on the B-grade. If its American, it
had to be good [note past tense].
So the story goes, that yesterday, we hauled ass to Lido, bought ourselves fastfood movie dinners and plonked down watching new movie previews while waiting for The Descent at 9.45pm. We both groaned whilst munching on carbo-dripping fries when its preview came with the UK tag. Id like to think that we went on to watch it cos we were simply,
intellectually [hah!]curious [and not just cos we're a couple of stingy pokes who had parted with 8.50 a piece].
Man were we dead wrong, the movie was good, so good, i think i left indelible scars on Yan's tummy [don't ask] and left arm [ yeah i was so disturbed i reached across his chest to squeeze his other arm.. yeahhh].
It was disturbing cos first of all i hate small spaces/nooks/cranies, whatever you call em and to see 6 women roughing it out in a cave, exploring by means of crawling through small 'pipes' just screams out CLAUSTROPHOBIA! Not only that, there were toyol-like creatures with slimy puke gurgling in and out of their bodies, hunching forward and picking these women off like they were wrestling contenders and biting, yes bite!, in unhealthy, chunky bite-sizes. In short, you have the darkness, rotting bloodied carcasses, scary nooks and cranies in a cave that has no end + flesh eating 'toyols' scampering around. Yep, UK was definitely flying an A-grade flag on this one.
Still, I was asking Yan if he agreed with Sara- the main character's [she has to be, she was the only survivor] decision to 'off' her friend, Juno, who had earlier on accidentally snapped another friend's neck cos she was still in a bloodlust zone [Juno had just impressively battled a 'Toyol' and the dumb/dead friend went up behind her without warning and you know what happened next]. Sara wanted vengeance and off-ed Juno later on in the movie. Yan agreed with me cos he felt 2 surviving heads were better than 1. Men, pragmatic as always. For me, I felt it was completely unjustified cos the unsuspecting Juno wanted to keep on searching for Sara even though she had already found the way out.
Anyways, today, one of the first few things Yan said to me when I got into the car was if we were gonna watch a movie today and I went 'hehhh..' before he sheepishly said,' Oh yeahh..we watched a movie yesterday'.
Instead, we went to Orchard Point, wanting to see the Anugerah Vcd launch but ended up having delicious Thai food at the Le Meredien building where we met Nina! and her aunt who were also having lunch. Man it was great seeing her, gorgeous soul if a bit dysfunctional hehe kidding nin! I think we must have rounded the food court twice before deciding on prawn omelette, seafood noodles, bamboo chicken soup and lotsa lotsa sambal. Later on, I suffered the consequence of this sambal action while we were checking out stomach has completely gone south on me..not as strong as before sigh...Anyways, whenever Yan and I go out, we would definitely eat alot so afterwards we decided to tone things down a little for dinner. We ended up having steak, fish and chips, 2 root beer floats and vanilla icecream *shut your sniggering*.
Today has got to be the best day with loads of r&r in between before Sunday rolls in. Its great to spend the day with my other half. I can see Yan and me leading this blissful life for a long, long time *grin*. We've been at it for 1 and half years, very blissful butof course there are my 'monster' moments where Yan swears id turn from sweet to being a complete monster, someone he doesnt seem to know anymore hehe like a movie script. But whats life without the added spice of a Doc Jekyll and Ms Hyde moment dear *lol* No don't lie, you know you love the 'monster' moments
grrrrOnce again the impending outstation is looming once again with Yan set to leave next month for 6 weeks tops. Ill miss him loads and loads. Thank god for my faithful and bee-utiful girlfriends. One tip girls, never ever put your galfrens aside for a piece of errm..opposite gender [language control] even if he happens to be the love of your life. Balance, is after all the great state of all things. Experienced this crap before when my girlfriend got in touch with me when she was lonely but once her opposite-gender appeared, chucked moi aside..sheeesh!
Still, I feel blessed, that with all of life's immense challenges, I still have the love of great friends, a sexy opposite-gender x 1 and my wonderful extended family [dad, marmie, sis, grandma, grandpa and Tiara, from Indonesia who has been with us for like 3 plus years!]

Yep, think i can hit the sack now with a big :) on my face. Later peeps!
*blissful snores*
In different hues

So I'm a little left of center I'm a little out of tune Some say I'm paranormal So I just bend their spoon Who wants to be ordinary In a crazy, mixed-up world I don't care what they're sayin' As long as I'm your girl -michelle b.