..9 months later- Return of the Spoon lady
NOPE sorry to disappoint but i was not on maternity leave *grin*. Fact is, I succumbed to the common blogging virus that may have plagued half the world's population, I got the L.a.z.y. flu.With so many things happening in between, I forgot about my dear old blog. And when i do remember, id be this lazy slob, content with cramping my brains with all the 'exciting' tidbits of my life. So much has happened since then.

There's got to be more out there.
Im getting hitched next Aug, if all goes well. Though I love Yan, I fear that I will feel emotionally worst off than I am now. Marriage is not the end of everything but will it be the end of new progressions in my life. I know Yan won't hold me back in fact he encourages me to be more than I can be. God knows he has so much confidence in me constantly predicting that I will one day be the CEO of my company. Unfortunately, if I am honest with myself, I'm the one who has been shortchanging myself. Every now and then, my self confidence dissipate and I'll be worrying if i can perform in a high flying job that I'm keen on. I've passed up on many opportunities simple cos I lack the guts to complete what I have started.
Well no more. The world is still revolving and people are still people. If the worst of them are trying hard to make the best of themselves , theres no reason why I should be any different. Since the Courage to make a big change is proving to be a rare commodity, I will make it my top 2007 resolution.
So wish me luck people and all the best in your resolutions too. May they come true faster than a speeding bullet and bend your spoons right off your plate!
my other resolutions
1. I wana be a happy morning person cos im always a grump in the morning
2. To like more people despite their shortcomings
3. Shut up when ive got nothing nice to say about someone
4. Seriously start saving up for my future
4. Spend more time with my family
5. Improve myself spiritually by cutting down on social vices (don't ask)
6. Be more punctual cos Im a habitual late-comer
7. Eat less and exercise more (don't wana be called kueh lapis anymore)
8. Be more positive about life's ups and downs
9. Be more decisive and firm about my life choices
10. Keep the Courage to create a big change burning hot