The Konsert Rock Revival 2006 Experience

Joey from BPR (Bumiputra Rockers) couldnt make it at the last minute but it was alright cos we caught his act at the Semangat Zaman concert at the Esplanade last year.

So anyways, Yan brought his camera along but concert policy stated we gotta leave it at the door, so Yan ended up taking it back to his car. I went ahead to grab a good spot cos people were like streaming in but thank god the Marquee was pretty spacious, so i think everybody got a good view of the stage. At 8.05pm, the lights dimmed and the audience surged forward for the start of a 4-hour rock concert. Yan and I had a good standing spot in the middle and were only inches away from the separation railing....very the kiasu but hey its a rock concert laah.
The first few opening acts were from local bands like Andresha Andin featuring Emma, Alhambra, and Osairis. They did alright but only thing was, the music very nearly drowned out their voices so they should have rocked it harder there. Andresha appeared all decked out in rock gear and ready to smash it up but then sang a pretty friendly almost Bhumiband-like number. Don't get me wrong I like friendly numbers but i think kinda salah frequency. Still, they did good cos anybody who attempts to sing at a rock concert with a fickle crowd (they can love or hate u in a sec!) deserves a pat on the back.

Yan and I caught Tribe's act before at the Semangat Zaman concert at the Esplanade. At that time, I felt Tribe stood out cos their music were pretty good and Man Toyak had a great voice. This is definitely a boost for the local scene.

I gotta admit I didnt know some of the old hits but those that i know and liked boy did i sing along. Its hard to get over the songs cos while some were rocking good, others were memorable 'jiwang' tunes. Even though they are a different genre altogether, its hard to forget these hits just like its hard to get over the late P.Ramlee's style of music.
So it was non-stop rock revival over the 4 hour concert when more than 20 odd hits were sung, hits like Kamelia, Teratai, Sejuta Wajah- Sweet Charity, Masih Ada Rindu, Penyesalan- The Unwanted, Seribu Tahun Takkan Mungkin- BPR, Cinta Palsu- TZ, Pawana, Isabella, Isi dan Kulit, Gadisku- Search, Melissa- Helter Skelter, Hukum Karma, Sejati-Wings, Tiada lagi kidungmu- Lefthanded etc. thanks bee! The Unwanted still had their original ensemble and legendary guitar maestro Rosli Mohalim (of Sweet Charity and now Reeha) formed part of the professional music ensemble supporting all the vocalists.

The whole concert ended with all the performers donning the Konsert Revival tshirt, cant quite recall what the song was cos i was busy snapping pics away. Initially i activated the night mode on my phone camera but the quality was really bad, they said it was no use taking cos you wont get to capture due to the lighting so camera phones were not a threat to the organisers. Still Nokia 3230 is known to be the best of the worst in this conditions and in real day, it takes really great pictures despite 1.3 mp. All the pics in this blog were all taken by my 3230. So i took lotsa pictures and before long, realised it was over.

I love u dear and thanks for the great company. We were cool Mat and Minah rock yesterday!
I'll definitely attend more rock concerts in the future with the following tips in mind :)
1. Not to switch off my mobile phone. The more noise the better, not that it matters at a rock consert
2. Not to wear heels, cos typically rock concerts can up to 4 hours plus so my feet will suffer.
3. No tight fitting or thick clothings. You'll be trapped with hundreds of sweaty, gyrating bodies, its gona be like in an open oven- unless the venue is airconditioned.
4. Bras are especially important what with the jostling and packing crowd cos no wardrobe malfunction fiasco please unless its for a darn handsome rocker, I'm kidding bee!
5. Never to leave expensive cameras at the door. Leave them in the car cos as careful as the crew can be, mistakes can happen and the expensive Nikon may end up in the wrong hands
6. To be appreciative of the effort put in by both the organisers and amateur opening acts, cos singing rock tunes in front of a large audience is never easy. Booing just dont cut it, in fact you you might just find yourself being slam dunked by angry fellow audiences for being a bad sport or worse, the rocker may smash you with his guitar. They need the exposure if not at these concerts then where else?? But bands pun don't salah frequency lah, macam maner people not fed-up
7. Make sure you eat before you go for a rock concert cos with all the heat, sweaty bodies and loud noise, you might just go all dizzy and faint dead away hence missing the show. Analogy: Engin belum start , kunci dah patah heehee
8. To go earlier and be very kiasu cos I wana be at the front. They have all the fun aaaaaaahhh
9. Wear Black
10. Stay behind when the whole thing ends cos inactivity usually means something big's gona happen in a few minutes just like a movie blooper. sigh..luckily got my pic :)
Very old skool sia. Rock on! :)
oh...njoy kau eh. heh
I used to love Awie's "Tragedi Oktober". Did he sing that?
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feeeee weeeeeet!!! kawan dapat lagi satu member rocker.. kawan pun gi jugak konsert tuh... eehhe.. lepakjugak.. dedulu member kawan rambut lebih, perut kurang... kali ni yg pegi rambut kurang perut lebih!!!
yeah!! rock on! rock lives!!!
Bayu,andresha and emma Rawk the Opening... YaHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! power to the Maximum.
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