Office Space - Cubicle No. 2 Not for Rent

I call it Cubicle No. 2 cos its right beside the Boss's room. I prefer to label his space a room cos its bigger than mine and smells so fresh its almost unreal. There's not even a whiff of cardboard and stinky cabbages or even vanilla ice-cream of unknown origins! Still, im parked behind another cubicle so that makes me No. 2 which in turn is just perfect. Its near the boss (woohoo level of significance up a notch?) and its out of the 'laser beam' range. Yep, nothing like your own office space [savouring the happie cubicle moment jumping up and down]
Situation around here is pretty calm (rough translation: one kookie colleague roughing up the fridge cos someone called him an ape + big, Happie noise) cos the bigwigs arent around and we have a hot dance number to do before the entire company during the Xmas party. Everyone's starting to cheer up their own cubicles with festive decorations and i think i saw fat ol Santa dangling on the ceiling by his..erm..bootie? Now thats what i call dark comedy *grin*
Since Cubicle No. 2 is kinda my home away from home, it holds many precious memories. This was where i first, among many things

- got electrocuted, tiny frissons of love connections running up my arm. Now thats what happen when you try to force feed 7 plugs down an old power supply block.
- left an unmovable stain on my comfy chair on a very red day and having to adhere to countless male jibes who went.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeew whats that?
- crawled under a desk, a grown woman huddling like a baby, and took a 10min power nap
- discovered that i could actually plug in my Ipod to the CPU (yeah u can go Duh! all you like) instead of tuning in to online radio stations that constantly buffer
- got my maiden compliment from my ex-boss on my job performance 3 months into my employment
- got my first 'mysterious' insect bite that caused my wrist to swell and later on, grow numb
- the place where i can seek refuge and ponder when the going gets tough and rough and you just wana cry your eyes out but of course i never did being the strong-made- of- sterner -stuff woman that i am
All in all, there are many things to glow about. For one thing, theres a big jar of munchies that I can help myself to, a nice purple cushion to prop against, my very own mini pantry (a big fat mug, sugar sachets and a box of Dilmah tea). The English love their tea time , and well I can understand that cos tea can reallie strengthen your resolve to march right in and ask your boss for a raise and even stronger resolve to march right back out to your cubicle for some 'cubicular comfort' if refused point blank.
Time is winding down and though work shows no sign of abating, im glad. My cubicle No.2 and kookie colleagues make it a good place to be. It don't matter that your brain is challenged every single day and that you're constantly caught in the hustle and bustle of competitive politics, point is- you have your own space to churn out quality work from *grin*. Wouldnt trade it and ill hang on tight till my nails bleed or mark my territory with errmm saltwater if i have to if that major moving exercise theyve been yapping about happens.
Time: 6.15pm - Time to harass one of the kookie ones for a scoop of vanilla!
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