Saturday, December 10, 2005

something wicked this way comes

October 9, 2005-9:40pm (Singapore)

We're a bunch of lucky people. To wake up alive and safe every single day is a blessing when on the other side of the world, death is playing russian roulette on continents. You wonder after the killer tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes, 'where' is next and all you can do is pray and hope that people will find their solace amidst the large scale tragedies that have happened. I am selfishly grateful to God for this little island that is barely a dot on the world map but is still untouched by these large scale disasters- still, luck is definitely not a word you want to bank on 'cos like everything else, they always run out.
Watching a re-run of the Day after Tomorrow is not a good idea tonight. I'm watching it with my usual intensity, but inside I can sense a bubble of panic at the thought that maybe movies are truly our subconscious acknowledgement of the fact that art imitates not only life but the future as well.
There I go again, going all morbid and philosophical, when tomorrow I'll have to haul my ass to work and crack my skull for 8 hours. Its amazing how there can be millions of people suffering out there, and I'm griping about work, a major skunk of a CEO and yes huge expectations amidst limited resources. The 'white letter' just dont cut it anymore when you've got bills to pay and if you're interested in ending a 'bachelorgirl' kinda life sometime in the future. Fortunately, i still love my job, the media line still holds that much excitement for me, so i guess i'll be hanging around for a while.
Yan, my boyfriend is still overseas, outstation on some ship in Western Australia searching for minerals and oil. I wish he's back cos nothing's stable these days but I have faith that everything is going to be alright. I bet its cold out there but he said it was fine. At this time of the year, WA should be colder than ever before it hits November. Reminds me of my university days when the heater would break down, after making this loud, roaring sound and I'd be shivering till 4plus in the morning. I really really miss him but it wont be long till he comes back. Can't believe we've been together for one and half year, im super glad my short attention span syndrome short circuited.
Its the fasting month now where we abstain from food and drinks from 5 plus till 7pm in the evening where we break fast together. I love this part of the month cos there is a strong sense of anticipation. Your stomach feels lighter and you think better, kinda like a cool detox trip but with discipline. Physical fasting is not too bad but the real challenge lies in fasting for the soul where you abstain from bitching, anger, greed, and all things negative - hmm we'll see. For now, its time to hit the sack.



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