Sleep and the magic of Past Noon

Let's face it, Im not a morning person. It doesnt matter if I turn in early or late cos I'd still wake up late. My sis always gripes that Id be this bad-ass grouch in the morning particularly when I refuse to 'answer' her conversations, choosing instead to stare up at the ceiling before getting my towel and slamming the room door behind me. Hey, don't get me wrong, I wasn't pissed at my sis or anything but i think my anger management course tends to go into hyperdrive after 6am and before 1pm.

[You'd think that my moniker Girlawake just don't cut it but it has a story behind it. Every morning/noon, my nokia would ring and if i choose to answer it, the galfren on the other line would probably go- girl, you awake ah?- And thats just swell, cos im awake hence the ability to answer the call :). So you see Girlawake is an irony onto itself *grin*
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