Queen Tour: They Bent My Spoon
I had big expectations tonight when i packed my bag and cleared my work desk at 6.30pm sharp. My kookie colleagues couldnt believe their eyes when they saw me donning my sexy, red jumper, my face radiant with makeup (yep, the magic of colour peeps) cos normally i'd be looking like a dead, fish singing along to my ipod in severe monotones *grin*.

Flying Solo

A good thing too, cos nobody's a fan of Queen in my neighbourhood, so after 'what? queen? who's queen? -for the upteenth time, i cut my losses and booked a single ticket. Thats when again, i was reminded of Yan's absence. My dearest, darling co-conspirator was not with me cos if he was, he would be game to go like always even if he aint a big fan.. damn im gona ...so not cry! :P
Anyways blowing 100 bucks a good call? Yep sure was cos when i reach there, i got extra extra smiles, extra extra mile in guiding me to my seat (hey they dont do that to the other fans), a supremely better view of the entire stage and Queen's true style of flamboyance and mega mega mega lights! Think they used up a whole city of watts tonight. Sure, my eyes watered at the colourful lights and disco effects but hell, i had fun.
The band featured this 'as close as you can get to a Freddie Mercury persona' in Craig Pesco, Travis Hair as my favourite Brian May, Sean Nolan as John Deacon and Brett Millican as Roger Taylor. They played good, they sang good, and while the wigs didnt really convince me, these guys really know their stuff
I mean you gotta hand it to these guys. They obviously treasure Queen's memory cos everything they do, they're telling you that they are not here to replace the greats but to preserve their memory and give u a taste of almost but not quite..the real thing. Right up in my boxed seat, I could feel their passion for the music and the legend and it made being there worth it. Songs after songs, they never took a break- its like Another One Bites the Dust, Radio Ga Ga Don't stop me now, Crazy little thing called love, A kind of magic, Somebody to Love, I was born to Love you (one of my favs), Bohemian Rhapsody. They missed out Made in Heaven though and Too much Love will kill you.
The company?
Well, you know concerts in Singapore, it can be rock and it can roll here and there but the people would still be sitting on their asses. Those who would be standing up and waving madly would be people who throughout the concert would stand up 24/7, obscuring your vision. Theres really no middle way here. People love going to the extreme end of things. Tonight's concert was different, maybe they ate something right cos they were good company..they sang and dance along but the crowd didnt overdo the 'crazy waving' thing.
'Freddie' was good, his vocals were wonderful and I love the kinky costumes. Craig perfected some of the moves but yeah, the legend still held his own. I really wish Brian May was going to make an appearance but it was nice to know that Peter Freestone was there as well (Freestone was Freddie's personal assistant and friend till the day Freddie died).

Yan's due back in 2 weekends and man do i look forward to seeing him. I miss him loads and loads and i hear the sea is rough right now. [Honey, if you're reading this, please please eat right and get loads of r&r inbetween]. We communicate via msn cos he cant receive any calls..its nice to know hes right there every night and keeping me up to date with his life as a 'sailor' lol..bring home the uniform dear, and we'll play the Popeye and Olive gig.

Of course, he laments about the food onboard. I dont blame him, id get sick of western food too. When you're used to spices and a variety of tastes, you kinda get sick of potatoes and steaks fast. I'm a sambal queen, god knows if i would even survive a week there let alone 6 full weeks. No prata, fried noodles, chicken rice, spicy soups???? man..life is already tough enough..
dear, i hereby salute you *grin*
The blessed weekend is finally here. Gota accompany my girlfriend K to a chalet bbq later in the evening, have half a mind to cancel now cos im yawning like mad,hopefully by 6pm later, i'd have a change of heart cos its been awhile since i catch up with K.
Sigh miss my soulmate, *mentally counting*...16 more days till Yan comes back. Aint countdowns grand!
*Hits the sack*...night peeps :)
great blog
"A good thing too, cos nobody's a fan of Queen in my neighbourhood, so after 'what? queen? who's queen? -for the upteenth time, i cut my losses and booked a single ticket."
oh no what a pity! I was lucky to go with a friend who shouted out the lyrics together with me. Found your post on technorati, I've posted some photos of the band as well.
Bloody good show.
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