mean pair of jeans
for the first time in 3 plus years, i finally donned a mean but absolutely fine pair of jeans! Why it took me that long? well its cos i have a dislike for it. An almost natural dislike cos it makes me feel claustrophobic with its tight blue stretch and tightly encased mold to the skin. Whenever I wear it, id go oh god i cant legs cant breathe!I guess I can understand why people all over the world are besotted with jeans, if you are slim, have long legs to show for or do not have love handles that bulge when you cinch the belt at the waist, you would be too. Well the long legs part i kinda have but the trail runs cold when you reach the 'slim' and ' love handles'.
Some people just look good with jeans but one thing i dont understand is why the hell would washing the jeans be bad? I know it would shrink the jeans but ive seen old, tattered jeans (that vintage look yeah right) remain unwashed for like a century and I cannot imagine sliding it on me. Its just plain disgusting. They, my friends, would be telling me that its CLEAN!
Also, whats with the fixation with Levi's jeans?? It's Levi's this, Levi's that so much so that other labels just dont cut it. If you buy another label, theyd have this horrified look on their faces (namely my girlfriends and boyfriend) wonder why u never stick to the true blue levi's tradition cos the material is soft and durable.
Anyways, I swallowed my aversion to jeans and donned it cos Yan has expressed many times that he yearns to see me in a pair of jeans. So before he left for his kampong stay with his family, i wore the jeans yesterday and he was enthralled. Lol, not sure why he would be maybe cos i lost a few kilos here and there but he said i looked different. Throughout our courtship and relationship, Ive always worn skirts, cargo pants, bermudas or black pants but never jeans.
Of course, I had to wear jeans to work too and my colleagues were like surprised to see me wear jeans. The usual compliments ensued and still true to nature, i fidgeted here and there, tried to pull my jeans upwards cos they kept sliding down. Worse, i had my period: Day One and it doesnt help that the crotch area felt like it was perspiring buckets due to my claustrophobia.
One more thing, hate jeans cos u can never find the one that fits you snugly from ass to butt to thigh. This one was nearly perfection (good dyes, style) 'cept that it kept on sliding from waist to buttcrack level. Very undignified.
Yan was pleasantly surprised to see me wear jeans when he came to pick me at work. I gotta admit the sacrifice was worth it to see the look on his face. Still cos it kept sliding down, Yan proclaimed we needed a belt to keep it up and me in comfort. Grateful and yet still uncomfortable, we rifled through several belts at Samuel and Kelvins and settled on a nice purple one with bronze flip down buckles. NICE! Costs Yan 15 bucks. A good buy definitely and he was happy cos i looked hip hoppish in my fine jeans, black/pink underground tee, purple belt and high heels. Short to say, I have finally evolved into his idea of the sexy woman.
Boy did i give him a major female ribbing, going 'Ohhh so i wasnt sexy before..what!? u want me to strut around looking sexy??....Are u saying i was fat before....Ahhhh so you love me more now cos im sexy!?!?
So you see, Yan's head was pretty much spinning from all these contradictory statements. Although i was putting on the russian roulette spin on things, deep down I know he loves me down to my 'monster' flaws so I quit while i was ahead *grin*. Love love love the belt bee!
Strangely, afer the belt, it felt quite comfy right right through waching Narnia yesterday. Maybe I might be persuaded to don it again and hopefully it would become more like a second skin just like Yan says. In the meantime, I managed to get a respite from it cos Yan's gone back and Im resting the whole day at home nursing bad cramps.

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